Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sentence Sneak Peek - White Trash Zombie Gone Wild

The first sentence from each chapter of White Trash Zombie Gone Wild, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

“Blood and fat greased the thick needle as I fought to work it through the slab of flesh.”

“The half-dose of V12 was enough to keep me from obsessing about the meeting with Allen.”

“Normal food-hunger jabbed at me as I climbed back into my car, informing me that I needed to get my ass to Alma’s CafĂ© before I starved to death.”

“Between stalking Marcus, chatting with Randy, and schooling Judd, I managed to burn enough of my break that I had to settle for a pre-made sandwich to-go from Alma’s.”

“The rest of my shift whizzed by without a hitch, and I happily clocked out at two p.m. on the nose.”

“Humming under my breath, I damn near skipped down the corridor to the Head Room.”

“The Kreeger River boat launch was my go-to sit and think spot, and I drove there in a numb, sparkly fog.”

“The population of St. Edwards Parish included a variety of ethnic groups, income levels, religions, political views, and sexual orientations, but one thing everyone agreed on was that the Royale Cinema in Tucker Point was hands down the best movie theater in the entire parish.”

“The shrilling of my phone jerked me out of a dream of being chased by zombies in Mardi Gras masks as they groaned Throoww meee sooommethinggg misssterrr.”

“Heart pounding, I stared at the cigarette butt as if the thing was a water moccasin about to bite me.”

“The V12 had me nicely chilled out by the time I got home, yet resentment stewed despite the effects of the mod.”

“I swiped my ID card and slipped into the morgue.”

“Though Tucker Point was the primary hotbed of Zombie Fest hoopla, the site of the Fifth Annual Deep South Zombie Fest was about fifteen minutes east of the city on sixty acres of former farmland owned by Ms. Charlotte Glaspy.”

“The crawfish things were gone, but in their place were cream cheese and salmon rolls.”

“I had a few hours to kill before diving in to clue-hunting, since I wanted to be certain the boys would be occupied with the evening hunt while I snooped.”

“I sat in my car for several minutes, nerves jangling as I struggled to process the entire incident.”

“My phone vibrated seconds after I settled into my car.”

“After I left Coy’s garage, I drove around aimlessly to do some serious thinking.”

“It was almost nine a.m. by the time I dragged my sorry ass out of bed after lousy nightmare-filled sleep.”

“My VIP pass got me past the lines and through the gate of the Zombie Fest in nothing flat.”

“Rain from a sneak-attack Louisiana shower splattered my windshield and sent less adventurous Fest goers scurrying to their cars.”

Randy said to tell you it’s in the place y’all fixed a wheelbarrow after the river dried up.”

“Lock Three” was local slang for the area at the end of Hickory Horn Road by the Kreeger River’s third river-control lock.”

“Every breath sent lava through my veins.

“Jangly music cut through my sleep, pushy and obnoxious.”

“The instant the door closed, I tossed the clipboard onto the receiving desk and ran for the bathroom.”

“And they use this for zombie wound care in the Central African Republic?”

What the hell, Angel?

Dante Rosario wanted to kidnap me, but this wasn’t my first let’s-get-stalked rodeo.”

“I snapped fully awake, primal instincts shrieking so loudly I expected to find a serial killer standing over me with an axe.”

“The weather was lovely and perfect, which meant the streets of New Orleans were guaranteed to be packed to bursting with Mardi Gras day revelers.”

“Bear had all sorts of gizmos, including high-power binoculars strong enough for me to see every pore in Rosario’s face from my hiding place behind the Bear’s Den booth.”



“I can walk.”

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