Monday, June 18, 2012

Sentence Sneak Peek - Incarnate

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

The first sentence from each chapter of Incarnate, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* Spoilers are highlighted like so :)  

* ARC read thanks to Julie at My 5 Monkeys

"What is a soul, but a consciousness born and born again?"



"MOVEMENT AROUND THE tent dragged me to the edges of consciousness."

"AFTER I'D CRIED myself out, hooves thumped the ground behind me, then stopped."

"THERE WAS NO telling how long I stood in the center of the cabin, staring at the books I couldn't touch, surrounded by cold and dust and someone else's life."

"AT THE BEGINNING of the third week, we quit the cabin before dawn."

"AS WE BROKE through the forest, a white wall soared high into the air, like smooth clouds below the cobalt sky."

"WHAT DO YOU mean?"

"HE'D BEEN RIGHT about my needs being met."

"SAM WALKED ME back upstairs as sleepiness threatened to engulf me."

"WE STOOD IN the middle of the kitchen without speaking for what seemed like eons."

"SAM WAS QUIET when we left the house, probably still smarting from Stef's jabs."

"ALL THIS SPACE for the Council?"

"THE LIBRARY HAD its own wing of the Councilhouse."

"WE MANAGED TO finish the library tour, and he showed me how to escape the wing without needing to trek through endless halls of the Councilhouse."

"THE FALSE THUNDER punctuated the din of panicked people fleeing every which way."



"TRUE TO HIS threat of having the rest of today be normal, we made our way downstairs, no time for me to bask in the revelation of my immortality."

"STEF HAD CANCELED dance practice the morning of the masquerade because I'd warned her how late I'd have to stay up to finish my costume."

"COOL AIR SLITHERED around my dress, ruffling the edges around my calves."

"AS MUCH AS I wanted to go straight back to Sam's house, the ceremony wasn't quite over."


"NO!" "LIFE TUNNELED ON my new focus: guarding myself from Li."

"I BANGED ON the wall until pain knifed through my palms."

"THE COUNCIL'S SPEAKER stood in the doorway, frown-ing."

"THE TEMPLE THROBBED against my back as I pressed harder against it, trying to become invisible."

"I KEPT MY laser aimed at his chest."

"MORE THAN ANYTHING, I wanted Sam to myself for a few days, but Stef invited herself to stay with us."

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